Each Sunday, I'll do an inventory. Hopefully it will help me stay on track and re-evaluate what's working. I'll cross off any items I can and score myself on the weekly category. I'll also try to give myself some things to think about for the next week.
Gee, was that official sounding or what?
So... how am I doing?
Well, given this is a one-week-old venture, how bad could things be. I'm still riding that wave of excitement that comes with starting something new. You're motivated. You're committed. It hasn't gotten hard yet.
Daily: The workout? Needs working out. I am having trouble going to bed on time and waking up on time. Did it twice last week.
Also need to work on my water. It's just such an afterthought for me. I'd say on average I drink about two glasses right now -- which granted is two more than I used to!
The food is improving. I have been eating less meat -- even tossed around the idea (after finishing Skinny Bitch) of going vegetarian. Don't know if I'm there yet. But when I meal planned today, I included only one day with a meat-based dinner. I've also been going ga-ga for the whole grains. In my cupboards: whole wheat bread, whole wheat tortillas, quinoa, steel-cut oatmeal, whole wheat english muffins, two kinds of whole wheat pasta, organic whole grain DRINK, (?!) Multi-grain cheerios, and another whole-grain cereal. I actually am enjoying the taste of ALL of these whole grains. I think the only hurdle for me will be convenience; it's one thing to stock the home cupboards, it's another to find whole grains out in a restaurant or cafeteria.
The calendar? It is ON. I decided to stick with Google. Loaded that baby up with my standing appointments (small group, It's My Heart meetings, play group, weekly work meetings and deadlines). Now I need to take 10 minutes daily to make sure that baby is updated. I can do that.
Daily score: 5
Monthly: I need to get on several of these.
Do something service related: I need to define what something "service-related" is. And, um, do one.
Go to breakfast with friends: I went to breakfast this month with my girl Julie last weekend, so I consider that taken care of! Yea! One thing is dunzo for this month!
Call my brothers: One brother down, one will be called Tuesday on his birthday!
Do a random act of kindness for a stranger: Gulp. This is tomorrow. I have no idea what I'm going to do.
Write one handwritten letter and mail it: Still need to do this, as I'm not thinking regular thank-you notes should count, right?
Take more videos of Luke: I'm having technical issues here. More on that this week.
Fast once per quarter. Skinny Bitch actually had some good information on this. I will try to tackle this in February.
Read 25 books: I've read two! Food Matters and Skinny Bitch.
Set aside 30 minutes for prayer a week: Whoops. I don't think I did that this week.
Go on six dates -- out of the house -- with my husband: I need to define what a "date" is. Was last night when we went out for a friend's 30th birthday party a date, or must we be alone?
Grow a fresh herb: Got a few months to go before I think about this.
One and done: None have been done!
For the next week, I need to keep up with the daily habits that have started to form, remember to update my calendar daily, find time to pray, complete my ROAK, call my brother, read a little each day, write my hand-wrttien letter and work on defining what all of these things mean and how I'll complete them.
Oh, and... pray.
No biggie, right?
Sarah Jessica Parker - Vogue Editorial
7 years ago
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